Pressure Washer Pump Oil & Maintenance Tools

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Pump Maintenance
Pump Maintenance

Routine maintenance is necessary for any pressure washer, whether cold-water or hot-water, electric-powered or gas-engine drive.

Each of these models utilize a specially designed pressure washer pump, which requires lubrication from uniquely formulated pressure washer pump oil to operate efficiently. As an authorized distributor of major brands such as Hotsy, Landa, and General Pump we recommend changing out your pressure washer pump oil regularly, per the specifications in your user manual.

Plus, we also carry a selection of pump repair tools to help make it easier to change out seals and plungers. Our pump seal extraction pliers, which are reverse pliers ideal for removal of nearly any brand of pressure washer pump seals, make removing seals much easier than any of the tools you’ll find in your standard tool kit. Plus, our complete pump repair tool kits include all the tools you’ll need to properly replace pump seals, brass housings, valves and plunger oil seals including Allen wrenches, seal extraction pliers, pump seal inserters and plastic hammer.

Free Shipping On Pumps & Orders Over $349*

President's Day Observance

Our stores and customer service lines will be open, but our warehouses will be closed in observance of President’s Day on Monday, February 17th.

As a result, some orders placed after 4:00pm (Pacific Time) on Friday, February 14th may not ship until Tuesday, February 18th.

If you have any questions about the status of your order, please call our online customer support team at 509-547-2323 during our regular business hours of 7:30a-4:00p (Pacific Time).

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